
Finding and setting your perfect curve & parameters with Norwegian Coffee Roasting Champion Simo Christidi

1) Roasting Curve File: Roast Profiles

Simo C: Whenever a new batch of green beans arrives, in order to find the best (or right) production profile, our standard approach is to have three different profile roasts first, and compare the three different profiles of the coffee. Having a powerful tool as Cropster, gives us the possibility to investigate all our previous profile database. Based on this  and adding the technical information of the coffee (such as humidity, bean size, etc), and the sensoric expectations, all those factors will help us to find the right direction while profile roasting.

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Xạo vãi lều !! Làm ads không dùng não. Đây là câu nói láo nhất mà tao nghe từ trước đến giờ ?? Suy nghĩ bạc cả mái đầu mà còn không ra huống chi, không dùng não. Yup !! Đây chính xác là đều bạn đang nghĩ đúng không ? Tất nhiên để đến được bước này mình đã trút hết não và tham khảo hết các chuyên gia. Mới tổng hợp ra công thức bá CMN đạo đến như vậy. Và nó là kĩ thuật mình thường dùng trong tất cả các dự án mà mình nhận.



For years I’ve been promoting the idea of a steady decline in the ROR (rate of rise) during roasting.  Recently I’ve heard of some “educators” publicly discrediting the idea of a steadily declining ROR, so I think it’s time to address this issue.


Varieties of Coffee: What They are and Where They Come From

When it comes to coffee, we all know that Arabica is (mostly) better than Robusta. But dig a little bit deeper into Arabica, and you’ll find that there’s an entire world of different varieties out there. If you’ve ever seen the words “SL-28″, “Pacamara” or “Catuai” on a bag of coffee and had only a vague idea what they meant, this is for you.

Strictly speaking, varieties of coffee are separated into two distinct camps: varieties and cultivars. Varieties occur spontaneously through either freak mutation—for instance, growing much larger cherries than other plants of the same variety1—or through natural hybridisation with another variety (in rare cases a different species!). Cultivars are much the same, except that the changes are created or cultivated by humans.

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The Anatomy and Morphology of the Coffee Plant poster, available from here.

In fact, Arabica itself is a relatively recent hybridisation of Robusta (Coffea canephora) and another, lesser known species of coffee called Coffea eugenioides2. In the area in Eastern Ethiopia where this happened, there are thousands of natural varieties of arabica growing in the wild!

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One of the most knowledgeable coffee professionals in the world and a wonderful teacher, Peter Guiliano—director of the SCAA Coffee Symposium—recorded a video in 2012 that deals specifically with varieties. It is just under 30 minutes long, and represents a quick run-through of how Arabica made its way around the world, and how the different commercialised varieties and cultivars you would encounter today came about. It caps off with a very short description of the sorts of flavour profiles you can expect from some of them. It is well worth your time.

A legendary coffee variety that originated on the Boma Plateau, located in southeastern Sudan near to the Ethiopian border. This area belongs to a region considered to be the birthplace of the Arabica species. Sudan Rume has long been used by plant breeders as a source of “quality” genes, but is rarely planted because it doesn’t produce large yields.3

As prices of coffee go up, let’s hope more of these low-yield but delicious varieties are grown commercially. A while ago, Tim Wendelboe did a cultivar cupping at the Los Pirineos farm in El Salvador. Out of more than 50 cultivars, he rated Sudan Rume the highest.4

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If you’d like to go deeper, the SCAA offers a handy Botanist’s guide to Specialty Coffee;this Wikipedia page has a concise list and description of many commercial varieties; for an overview at a glance, check out this illustration by Emma Bladyka for the SCAA Symposium. If you didn’t watch Peter Guiliano’s video above, you really should.

Photo credits: Top image by flickr user Walter Rodriguez, farmer image by Neil Palmer, sprouting bean by flickr user Juan Camillo Trujillo.


1. A parallel is the Hass avocado, all of which stem from one tree in California.
2. If you are feeling particularly sciencey, Molecular and General Genetics has this research paper: Molecular characterisation and origin of the Coffea arabica L. genome.
3. Described in this PDF from Intelligentsia.
4. Link to Tim’s blog postlink to full cupping results.

In search of Arabica in Vietnam’s war-scarred soil

Arabica could hold the key to escaping poverty for farmers in Vietnam’s province Quang Tri, but is it a sustainable option?


How to Make an Arduino Controlled Coffee Roaster

In this tutorial we will be building a low budget, computer controlled coffee roaster using a Popcorn Popper, an Arduino, and the Artisan RoasterScopesoftware. The github repo for this project is here. Follow along, and you’ll be enjoying delicious, freshly roasted coffee in no time!


Độ rang ảnh hưởng đến hương vị cà phê như thế nào?

Câu hỏi đặt ra là Barista có cần biết rang không? Theo Cọ, câu trả lời là có, nó cũng giống như roaster ngoài cupping cũng nên biết pha để biết mình rang có bị lỗi gì hay không vì hương vị cà phê khi cupping và khi pha có thể khác nhau rất nhiều.

Linh tinh

Gỗ hoài cũng ngán, .. hôm nay đổi vị :)

Sắt thép nhưng rất mềm mại 🙂

Linh tinh

Kệ gỗ (phần …)

Chỉ là cái kệ thôi mà 😛


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